Library HoneynetDefinitions
Require Import Coq.Strings.String.
Require Import ByteData.
Require Import DiskSubset.
Require Import File.
Require Import FileData.
Require Import FileTypes.
Require Import Tar.
Variable gunzip: File->Disk->File.
Local Open Scope bool.
Definition borland_rootkit (disk: Disk) :=
exists file: File,
isOnDisk file disk
/\ isDeleted file
/\ isGzip file disk
/\ Tar.looksLikeRootkit (gunzip file disk) disk.
Definition borland_rootkit_witness (disk: Disk) (file: File):=
isOnDisk file disk
/\ isDeleted file
/\ isGzip file disk
/\ Tar.looksLikeRootkit (gunzip file disk) disk.
Definition borland_rootkit_witness_param (disk: Disk) (file gunzipped: File):=
isOnDisk file disk
/\ isDeleted file
/\ isGzip file disk
/\ Tar.looksLikeRootkit gunzipped disk.
Lemma borland_rootkit_witness_impl :
forall (file: File) (disk: Disk),
borland_rootkit_witness disk file ->
borland_rootkit disk.
intros file disk H.
unfold borland_rootkit_witness in H.
unfold borland_rootkit.
exists file. assumption.
Lemma borland_rootkit_fsubset :
forall (gzippedFile gunzipped: File) (disk:Disk),
gunzipped f⊆ (gunzip gzippedFile disk) ->
borland_rootkit_witness_param disk gzippedFile gunzipped ->
borland_rootkit_witness disk gzippedFile.
intros gzippedFile gunzipped disk subset H.
unfold borland_rootkit_witness_param in H.
unfold borland_rootkit_witness.
destruct H as [H0 H]. destruct H as [H1 H]. destruct H as [H2 H].
split. assumption.
split. assumption.
split. assumption.
apply looksLikeRootkit_fsubset with (1:=subset).
Definition borland_compute (disk: Disk) (file gunzipped: File)
(filename1 filename2: string) :=
(isOnDisk_compute file disk)
&& file.(deleted)
&& (isGzip_compute file disk)
&& Tar.looksLikeRootkit_compute gunzipped disk filename1 filename2.
Lemma borland_reflection (disk: Disk)
(file gunzipped: File) (filename1 filename2: string) :
borland_compute disk file gunzipped filename1 filename2 = true
-> (gunzip file disk) = gunzipped
-> borland_rootkit disk.
intros. unfold borland_compute in H.
apply Bool.andb_true_iff in H. destruct H.
apply Bool.andb_true_iff in H. destruct H.
apply Bool.andb_true_iff in H. destruct H.
unfold borland_rootkit. exists file.
split. apply isOnDisk_reflection. auto.
split. unfold isDeleted. auto.
split. apply isGzip_reflection. auto.
rewrite H0. apply looksLikeRootkit_reflection in H1. auto.
Lemma borland_witness_param_reflection:
forall (disk: Disk) (file gunzipped: File) (filename1 filename2: string),
borland_compute disk file gunzipped filename1 filename2 = true ->
borland_rootkit_witness_param disk file gunzipped.
intros. unfold borland_compute in H.
apply Bool.andb_true_iff in H. destruct H.
apply Bool.andb_true_iff in H. destruct H.
apply Bool.andb_true_iff in H. destruct H.
unfold borland_rootkit_witness_param.
split. apply isOnDisk_reflection. auto.
split. unfold isDeleted. auto.
split. apply isGzip_reflection. auto.
apply looksLikeRootkit_reflection in H0. auto.
Lemma borland_rootkit_witness_subset:
forall (sub super: Disk) (gzippedFile gunzipped: File),
borland_rootkit_witness_param sub gzippedFile gunzipped ->
sub ⊆ super ->
gunzipped f⊆ (gunzip gzippedFile super) ->
borland_rootkit super.
intros sub super gzippedFile gunzipped H subset fsubset.
unfold borland_rootkit_witness_param in H.
apply borland_rootkit_witness_impl with (file:=gzippedFile).
unfold borland_rootkit_witness.
destruct H as [HonDisk H]. destruct H as [Hdeleted H].
destruct H as [Hgzip Hlooks].
split. apply isOnDisk_subset with (1:=subset). assumption.
split. assumption.
split. apply isGzip_subset with (1:=subset). assumption.
apply looksLikeRootkit_subset with (1:=subset) in Hlooks.
apply looksLikeRootkit_fsubset with (1:=fsubset). assumption.
Require Import ByteData.
Require Import DiskSubset.
Require Import File.
Require Import FileData.
Require Import FileTypes.
Require Import Tar.
Variable gunzip: File->Disk->File.
Local Open Scope bool.
Definition borland_rootkit (disk: Disk) :=
exists file: File,
isOnDisk file disk
/\ isDeleted file
/\ isGzip file disk
/\ Tar.looksLikeRootkit (gunzip file disk) disk.
Definition borland_rootkit_witness (disk: Disk) (file: File):=
isOnDisk file disk
/\ isDeleted file
/\ isGzip file disk
/\ Tar.looksLikeRootkit (gunzip file disk) disk.
Definition borland_rootkit_witness_param (disk: Disk) (file gunzipped: File):=
isOnDisk file disk
/\ isDeleted file
/\ isGzip file disk
/\ Tar.looksLikeRootkit gunzipped disk.
Lemma borland_rootkit_witness_impl :
forall (file: File) (disk: Disk),
borland_rootkit_witness disk file ->
borland_rootkit disk.
intros file disk H.
unfold borland_rootkit_witness in H.
unfold borland_rootkit.
exists file. assumption.
Lemma borland_rootkit_fsubset :
forall (gzippedFile gunzipped: File) (disk:Disk),
gunzipped f⊆ (gunzip gzippedFile disk) ->
borland_rootkit_witness_param disk gzippedFile gunzipped ->
borland_rootkit_witness disk gzippedFile.
intros gzippedFile gunzipped disk subset H.
unfold borland_rootkit_witness_param in H.
unfold borland_rootkit_witness.
destruct H as [H0 H]. destruct H as [H1 H]. destruct H as [H2 H].
split. assumption.
split. assumption.
split. assumption.
apply looksLikeRootkit_fsubset with (1:=subset).
Definition borland_compute (disk: Disk) (file gunzipped: File)
(filename1 filename2: string) :=
(isOnDisk_compute file disk)
&& file.(deleted)
&& (isGzip_compute file disk)
&& Tar.looksLikeRootkit_compute gunzipped disk filename1 filename2.
Lemma borland_reflection (disk: Disk)
(file gunzipped: File) (filename1 filename2: string) :
borland_compute disk file gunzipped filename1 filename2 = true
-> (gunzip file disk) = gunzipped
-> borland_rootkit disk.
intros. unfold borland_compute in H.
apply Bool.andb_true_iff in H. destruct H.
apply Bool.andb_true_iff in H. destruct H.
apply Bool.andb_true_iff in H. destruct H.
unfold borland_rootkit. exists file.
split. apply isOnDisk_reflection. auto.
split. unfold isDeleted. auto.
split. apply isGzip_reflection. auto.
rewrite H0. apply looksLikeRootkit_reflection in H1. auto.
Lemma borland_witness_param_reflection:
forall (disk: Disk) (file gunzipped: File) (filename1 filename2: string),
borland_compute disk file gunzipped filename1 filename2 = true ->
borland_rootkit_witness_param disk file gunzipped.
intros. unfold borland_compute in H.
apply Bool.andb_true_iff in H. destruct H.
apply Bool.andb_true_iff in H. destruct H.
apply Bool.andb_true_iff in H. destruct H.
unfold borland_rootkit_witness_param.
split. apply isOnDisk_reflection. auto.
split. unfold isDeleted. auto.
split. apply isGzip_reflection. auto.
apply looksLikeRootkit_reflection in H0. auto.
Lemma borland_rootkit_witness_subset:
forall (sub super: Disk) (gzippedFile gunzipped: File),
borland_rootkit_witness_param sub gzippedFile gunzipped ->
sub ⊆ super ->
gunzipped f⊆ (gunzip gzippedFile super) ->
borland_rootkit super.
intros sub super gzippedFile gunzipped H subset fsubset.
unfold borland_rootkit_witness_param in H.
apply borland_rootkit_witness_impl with (file:=gzippedFile).
unfold borland_rootkit_witness.
destruct H as [HonDisk H]. destruct H as [Hdeleted H].
destruct H as [Hgzip Hlooks].
split. apply isOnDisk_subset with (1:=subset). assumption.
split. assumption.
split. apply isGzip_subset with (1:=subset). assumption.
apply looksLikeRootkit_subset with (1:=subset) in Hlooks.
apply looksLikeRootkit_fsubset with (1:=fsubset). assumption.