Library Util

Require Import Coq.PArith.BinPos.
Require Import Coq.Strings.Ascii.
Require Import Coq.Strings.String.
Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
Require Export List.

Require Import Byte.
Require Import ByteData.
Require Import DiskSubset.
Require Import Fetch.

Local Open Scope bool.
Local Open Scope N.

Definition flatmap {A B: Type} (opt: Exc A) (fn: A -> Exc B)
  : Exc B :=
  match opt with
    | Some v => fn v
    | None => None

Definition opt_map {A B: Type} (opt: Exc A) (fn: A -> B)
  : Exc B :=
  match opt with
    | Some v => value (fn v)
    | None => None

Definition opt_eqbN (lhs rhs: Exc N): bool :=
  match (lhs, rhs) with
  | (Some l, Some r) => l =? r
  | (None, None) => true
  | _ => false

Infix "_flatmap_" := flatmap (at level 50).
Infix "_map_" := opt_map (at level 50).

Definition range (start: N) (exclusiveEnd: N) : list N :=
  (fun _ => N -> list N)
  (fun (start: N) => nil)
  (fun (counter: N) (rec: N -> list N) (start: N) =>
    if (exclusiveEnd <=? start)
    then nil
    else start :: (rec (start + 1)))
  (exclusiveEnd - start)

Infix "upto" := range (at level 50).

Fixpoint takeWhile {A} (predicate: A->bool) (lst: list A)
  : list A :=
  match lst with
  | head :: tail => if (predicate head)
                    then (head
                          :: (takeWhile predicate tail))
                    else nil
  | nil => nil

Fixpoint flatten {A} (lst: list (Exc A)): list A :=
  match lst with
    | (value head) :: tail => head :: (flatten tail)
    | error :: tail => flatten tail
    | nil => nil

Definition seq_list (disk: Disk) (start length: N): @Fetch (list Byte) :=
  match length with
    | 0 => Found nil
    | N.pos l =>
        (fun _ => N -> @Fetch (list Byte))
        (fun (start': N) => (disk start') _fmap_ (fun nextEl => nextEl :: nil))
        (fun _ (seq_list_aux_pred_l: N -> @Fetch (list Byte)) (start': N) =>
          (disk start') _fflatmap_ (fun nextEl =>
            (seq_list_aux_pred_l (N.succ start')) _fmap_ (fun tail =>
              nextEl :: tail

Lemma seq_list_subset_subproof :
  forall (img: Disk) (offset: N) (p: positive),
    seq_list img offset (N.pos (Pos.succ p)) = (img offset)
    _fflatmap_ (fun val =>
      seq_list img (N.succ offset) (N.pos p)
      _fmap_ (fun valList => val :: valList)).
  unfold seq_list.
  rewrite Pos.peano_rect_succ.

Lemma seq_list_subset :
  forall (sub super: Disk) (start length: N) (val: list Byte),
    sub super ->
      seq_list sub start length = Found val ->
        seq_list super start length = Found val.
  intros sub super start length.
  destruct length; [ unfold seq_list; auto |].
  revert sub super start.
  apply Pos.peano_ind with (p := p).
    apply subset_fmap_existence with (sub := sub).
    rewrite seq_list_subset_subproof.
    rewrite seq_list_subset_subproof in H1.
    rewrite subset_fflatmap_existence with (sub := sub) (val := val).
    apply found_fflatmap_found in H1.
    destruct H1 as [aval [HSubFound HseqFound]].
    rewrite HSubFound. unfold fetch_flatmap.
    apply found_fmap_found in HseqFound.
    destruct HseqFound as [vallist [HseqSub Hconcat]].
    rewrite H with (sub := sub) (val := vallist).
      simpl. rewrite Hconcat. reflexivity.

Lemma seq_list_shift_subset :
  forall (sub super: Disk) (amount offset length: N) (value: list Byte),
    sub super ->
      seq_list (shift sub amount) offset length = Found value ->
        seq_list (shift super amount) offset length = Found value.
  intros. apply seq_list_subset with (sub := (shift sub amount)).
  apply subset_shift. assumption.

Fixpoint lendu (l : list Byte) : N :=
match l with
  | nil => 0
  | a :: l' => (N_of_ascii a) + (256 * lendu l')

Definition seq_lendu (disk: Disk) (offset: N) (length: N): @Fetch N :=
  (seq_list disk offset length) _fmap_ (fun tail => lendu tail).

Lemma seq_lendu_subset :
  forall (sub super: Disk) (offset length value: N),
    sub super ->
      seq_lendu sub offset length = Found value ->
        seq_lendu super offset length = Found value.
  unfold seq_lendu.
  apply found_fmap_found in H0.
  destruct H0 as [aval [HseqFound Hlendu]].
  apply seq_list_subset with (super := super) in HseqFound; [ | assumption].
  rewrite HseqFound. simpl.
  rewrite Hlendu. reflexivity.

Lemma seq_lendu_shift_subset :
  forall (sub super: Disk) (amount offset length value: N),
    sub super ->
      seq_lendu (shift sub amount) offset length = Found value ->
        seq_lendu (shift super amount) offset length = Found value.
  intros. apply seq_lendu_subset with (sub := (shift sub amount)).
  apply subset_shift. assumption.

Fixpoint listN_Byte_eqb (l r: list (N*Byte)) := match (l, r) with
  | (nil, nil) => true
  | ((lN, lByte) :: ltail, (rN, rByte) :: rtail) =>
      (lN =? rN)
      && Byte.eqb lByte rByte
      && listN_Byte_eqb ltail rtail
  | (_, _) => false

Lemma listN_Byte_eqb_reflection (l r: list (N*Byte)) :
  listN_Byte_eqb l r = true <-> l = r.
  split.     generalize r.
    induction l.
      destruct r0.
        vm_compute. intros. inversion x.
    destruct a.
    destruct r0.
      inversion H.

      destruct p.
      unfold listN_Byte_eqb in H.
      apply Bool.andb_true_iff in H. destruct H.
      apply Bool.andb_true_iff in H. destruct H.

      apply N.eqb_eq in H. rewrite H.
      apply Byte.eqb_reflection in H1. rewrite H1.
      apply IHl in H0. rewrite H0.
    generalize r.
    induction l.
      destruct r0.
        intros. inversion H.
    destruct r0.
      inversion H.

      destruct a. destruct p.
      unfold listN_Byte_eqb. apply Bool.andb_true_iff.
      inversion H.
      split. apply Bool.andb_true_iff. split.
        apply N.eqb_eq. reflexivity.
        apply Byte.eqb_reflection. reflexivity.
        rewrite <- H3 at 1. apply IHl in H3. auto.

Fixpoint listN_eqb (l r: list N) := match (l, r) with
  | (nil, nil) => true
  | (l :: ltail, r :: rtail) =>
      (l =? r)
      && listN_eqb ltail rtail
  | (_, _) => false

Lemma listN_eqb_reflection (l r: list N) :
  listN_eqb l r = true <-> l = r.
  split.     generalize r.
    induction l.
      destruct r0.
        vm_compute. intros. inversion x.
    destruct r0.
      inversion H.

      unfold listN_eqb in H.
      apply Bool.andb_true_iff in H. destruct H.
      apply N.eqb_eq in H. rewrite H.
      apply IHl in H0. rewrite H0.
    generalize r.
    induction l.
      destruct r0.
        intros. inversion H.
    destruct r0.
      inversion H.

      unfold listN_eqb. apply Bool.andb_true_iff.
      inversion H.
        apply N.eqb_eq. reflexivity.
        rewrite <- H2 at 1. apply IHl in H2. auto.

Definition optN_eqb (lhs rhs: Exc N) := match (lhs, rhs) with
  | (None, None) => true
  | (Some l, Some r) => l =? r
  | _ => false

Lemma optN_eqb_reflection (lhs rhs: Exc N) :
  optN_eqb lhs rhs = true -> lhs = rhs.
  intros. unfold optN_eqb in H.
  destruct lhs.
    destruct rhs; [|discriminate H]. apply N.eqb_eq in H. rewrite H. reflexivity.
    destruct rhs; [discriminate H|]. auto.