Library FileIds
Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
Require Import Byte.
Require Import ByteData.
Require Import Util.
Local Open Scope bool.
Local Open Scope N.
Inductive FileId: Type :=
| Ext2Id: N -> FileId
| MockId: list (N*Byte) -> FileId
Fixpoint eqb (lhs rhs: FileId) :=
match (lhs, rhs) with
| ((Ext2Id l), (Ext2Id r)) => N.eqb l r
| ((MockId l), (MockId r)) => listN_Byte_eqb l r
| _ => false
Lemma eqb_reflection (lhs rhs: FileId) :
eqb lhs rhs = true -> lhs = rhs.
generalize rhs.
induction lhs.
destruct rhs0; [| simpl; intros; inversion H].
unfold eqb. intros. apply N.eqb_eq in H. rewrite H. reflexivity.
destruct rhs0; [simpl; intros; inversion H | ].
intros. unfold eqb in H.
apply listN_Byte_eqb_reflection in H.
rewrite H. reflexivity.
Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
Require Import Byte.
Require Import ByteData.
Require Import Util.
Local Open Scope bool.
Local Open Scope N.
Inductive FileId: Type :=
| Ext2Id: N -> FileId
| MockId: list (N*Byte) -> FileId
Fixpoint eqb (lhs rhs: FileId) :=
match (lhs, rhs) with
| ((Ext2Id l), (Ext2Id r)) => N.eqb l r
| ((MockId l), (MockId r)) => listN_Byte_eqb l r
| _ => false
Lemma eqb_reflection (lhs rhs: FileId) :
eqb lhs rhs = true -> lhs = rhs.
generalize rhs.
induction lhs.
destruct rhs0; [| simpl; intros; inversion H].
unfold eqb. intros. apply N.eqb_eq in H. rewrite H. reflexivity.
destruct rhs0; [simpl; intros; inversion H | ].
intros. unfold eqb in H.
apply listN_Byte_eqb_reflection in H.
rewrite H. reflexivity.