Library Timeline
Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
Require Import ByteData.
Require Import DiskSubset.
Require Import File.
Require Import FileData.
Require Import FileIds.
Require Import Util.
Open Local Scope bool.
Open Local Scope N.
Inductive Event: Type :=
| FileAccess: N -> FileId -> Event
| FileModification: N -> FileId -> Event
| FileCreation: N -> FileId -> Event
| FileDeletion: N -> FileId -> Event
Definition eqb (lhs rhs: Event) :=
match (lhs, rhs) with
| (FileAccess l lfs, FileAccess r rfs) =>
andb (FileIds.eqb lfs rfs) (N.eqb l r)
| (FileModification l lfs, FileModification r rfs) =>
andb (FileIds.eqb lfs rfs) (N.eqb l r)
| (FileCreation l lfs, FileCreation r rfs) =>
andb (FileIds.eqb lfs rfs) (N.eqb l r)
| (FileDeletion l lfs, FileDeletion r rfs) =>
andb (FileIds.eqb lfs rfs) (N.eqb l r)
| _ => false
Definition Timeline: Type := list Event.
Definition timestampOf (event: Event) : Exc N :=
match event with
| FileAccess timestamp _ => value timestamp
| FileModification timestamp _ => value timestamp
| FileCreation timestamp _ => value timestamp
| FileDeletion timestamp _ => value timestamp
Definition beforeOrConcurrent (lhs rhs: Event) :=
match (timestampOf lhs, timestampOf rhs) with
| (value lhs_time, value rhs_time) => lhs_time <=? rhs_time
| _ => false
Definition foundOn (event: Event) (disk: Disk) :=
match event with
| FileAccess timestamp fs => exists (file: File),
isOnDisk file disk
/\ fs = file.(fileId)
/\ file.(lastAccess) = value timestamp
| FileModification timestamp fs => exists (file: File),
isOnDisk file disk
/\ fs = file.(fileId)
/\ file.(lastModification) = value timestamp
| FileCreation timestamp fs => exists (file: File),
isOnDisk file disk
/\ fs = file.(fileId)
/\ file.(lastCreated) = value timestamp
| FileDeletion timestamp fs => exists (file: File),
isOnDisk file disk
/\ fs = file.(fileId)
/\ file.(lastDeleted) = value timestamp
Definition foundOn_compute (event: Event) (disk: Disk) (file: File) :=
match event with
| FileAccess timestamp fs =>
isOnDisk_compute file disk
&& FileIds.eqb fs file.(fileId)
&& optN_eqb file.(lastAccess) (value timestamp)
| FileModification timestamp fs =>
isOnDisk_compute file disk
&& FileIds.eqb fs file.(fileId)
&& optN_eqb file.(lastModification) (value timestamp)
| FileCreation timestamp fs =>
isOnDisk_compute file disk
&& FileIds.eqb fs file.(fileId)
&& optN_eqb file.(lastCreated) (value timestamp)
| FileDeletion timestamp fs =>
isOnDisk_compute file disk
&& FileIds.eqb fs file.(fileId)
&& optN_eqb file.(lastDeleted) (value timestamp)
Lemma foundOn_reflection (event: Event) (disk: Disk) (file: File) :
foundOn_compute event disk file = true -> foundOn event disk.
unfold foundOn_compute in H. unfold foundOn.
destruct event.
apply Bool.andb_true_iff in H; destruct H;
apply Bool.andb_true_iff in H; destruct H;
exists file;
[ apply isOnDisk_reflection; auto
| split;
[ apply FileIds.eqb_reflection; auto
| apply optN_eqb_reflection; auto]].
apply Bool.andb_true_iff in H; destruct H;
apply Bool.andb_true_iff in H; destruct H;
exists file;
[ apply isOnDisk_reflection; auto
| split;
[ apply FileIds.eqb_reflection; auto
| apply optN_eqb_reflection; auto]].
apply Bool.andb_true_iff in H; destruct H;
apply Bool.andb_true_iff in H; destruct H;
exists file;
[ apply isOnDisk_reflection; auto
| split;
[ apply FileIds.eqb_reflection; auto
| apply optN_eqb_reflection; auto]].
apply Bool.andb_true_iff in H; destruct H;
apply Bool.andb_true_iff in H; destruct H;
exists file;
[ apply isOnDisk_reflection; auto
| split;
[ apply FileIds.eqb_reflection; auto
| apply optN_eqb_reflection; auto]].
Lemma foundOn_subset:
forall (sub super: Disk) (event: Event),
sub ⊆ super ->
foundOn event sub ->
foundOn event super.
intros sub super event subset.
unfold foundOn.
intros H.
destruct event; repeat (
destruct H as [file H]; exists file;
destruct H; split;
[ apply isOnDisk_subset with (1:=subset); assumption
| assumption]).
Definition isSoundPair (disk: Disk) (eventPair: Event*Event) :=
let (lhsEvent, rhsEvent) := eventPair in
foundOn lhsEvent disk
/\ foundOn rhsEvent disk
/\ beforeOrConcurrent lhsEvent rhsEvent = true.
Definition isSoundPair_compute (disk: Disk)
(pairPair: (Event*Event)*(File*File)) :=
let (eventPair, filePair) := pairPair in
let (lhsEvent, rhsEvent) := eventPair in
let (lhsFile, rhsFile) := filePair in
foundOn_compute lhsEvent disk lhsFile
&& foundOn_compute rhsEvent disk rhsFile
&& beforeOrConcurrent lhsEvent rhsEvent.
Lemma isSoundPair_reflection (disk: Disk)
(eventPair: Event*Event) (filePair: File*File) :
isSoundPair_compute disk (eventPair, filePair) = true ->
isSoundPair disk eventPair.
destruct eventPair as [lhsEvent rhsEvent].
destruct filePair as [lhsFile rhsFile].
unfold isSoundPair_compute in H.
unfold isSoundPair.
apply Bool.andb_true_iff in H. destruct H.
apply Bool.andb_true_iff in H. destruct H.
apply foundOn_reflection with (file := lhsFile). auto.
apply foundOn_reflection with (file := rhsFile). auto.
Lemma isSoundPair_subset:
forall (sub super: Disk) (eventPair: Event*Event),
sub ⊆ super ->
isSoundPair sub eventPair ->
isSoundPair super eventPair.
intros sub super eventPair subset.
destruct eventPair as [lhs rhs].
unfold isSoundPair.
intros H. destruct H. destruct H0.
split. apply foundOn_subset with (1:=subset). assumption.
split. apply foundOn_subset with (1:=subset). assumption.
Definition isSound (timeline: Timeline) (disk: Disk) :=
let staggeredEvents := combine timeline (skipn 1 timeline) in
forall (pair: Event*Event),
In pair staggeredEvents -> isSoundPair disk pair.
Lemma isSound_subset:
forall (sub super: Disk) (timeline: Timeline),
sub ⊆ super ->
isSound timeline sub ->
isSound timeline super.
intros sub super timeline subset.
unfold isSound.
intros H pair Hin.
apply isSoundPair_subset with (1:=subset).
apply H. assumption.
Definition isSound_tmp (timeline: Timeline) (disk: Disk) :=
exists (files: list File),
let staggeredEvents := combine timeline (skipn 1 timeline) in
let staggeredFiles := combine files (skipn 1 files) in
let combined := combine staggeredEvents staggeredFiles in
length staggeredEvents = length staggeredFiles
/\ forall (pairPair: (Event*Event)*(File*File)),
In pairPair combined -> isSoundPair disk (fst pairPair).
Lemma strip_list_l {L R: Type} (lhs:list L) (rhs: list R)
(prop:L->Prop) :
length lhs = length rhs
-> (forall (pair: L*R), In pair (combine lhs rhs) -> prop (fst pair))
-> (forall (l: L), In l lhs -> prop l).
generalize rhs prop. clear rhs prop.
induction lhs.
intros. destruct rhs; [
contradict H1
| simpl in H; discriminate H].
intros. destruct rhs; [
simpl in H; discriminate H
destruct H1.
specialize (H0 (l, r)).
simpl in H0. apply H0. left. subst. reflexivity.
apply IHlhs with (rhs := rhs).
inversion H. reflexivity.
intros pair inn.
assert (In pair (combine (a :: lhs) (r :: rhs))).
apply in_cons. assumption.
apply H0. assumption.
Lemma isSound_tmp_impl (timeline: Timeline) (disk: Disk) :
isSound_tmp timeline disk -> isSound timeline disk.
unfold isSound_tmp in H. destruct H as [files]. destruct H.
unfold isSound.
remember (combine timeline (skipn 1 timeline)) as staggeredEvents.
remember (combine files (skipn 1 files)) as staggeredFiles.
apply strip_list_l with (rhs := staggeredFiles).
assumption. assumption.
Definition isSound_compute (timeline: Timeline) (disk: Disk)
(files: list File) :=
let staggeredEvents := combine timeline (skipn 1 timeline) in
let staggeredFiles := combine files (skipn 1 files) in
let combined := combine staggeredEvents staggeredFiles in
beq_nat (length staggeredEvents) (length staggeredFiles)
&& forallb (isSoundPair_compute disk) combined.
Lemma isSound_reflection (timeline: Timeline) (disk: Disk)
(files: list File) :
isSound_compute timeline disk files = true ->
isSound timeline disk.
intros. apply isSound_tmp_impl. unfold isSound_tmp. exists files.
unfold isSound_compute in H.
apply Bool.andb_true_iff in H. destruct H.
split. apply beq_nat_eq. auto.
rewrite forallb_forall in H0.
intros. apply isSoundPair_reflection with (filePair := snd pairPair).
assert (fst pairPair |-> snd pairPair = pairPair).
destruct pairPair. simpl. reflexivity.
rewrite H2.
Require Import ByteData.
Require Import DiskSubset.
Require Import File.
Require Import FileData.
Require Import FileIds.
Require Import Util.
Open Local Scope bool.
Open Local Scope N.
Inductive Event: Type :=
| FileAccess: N -> FileId -> Event
| FileModification: N -> FileId -> Event
| FileCreation: N -> FileId -> Event
| FileDeletion: N -> FileId -> Event
Definition eqb (lhs rhs: Event) :=
match (lhs, rhs) with
| (FileAccess l lfs, FileAccess r rfs) =>
andb (FileIds.eqb lfs rfs) (N.eqb l r)
| (FileModification l lfs, FileModification r rfs) =>
andb (FileIds.eqb lfs rfs) (N.eqb l r)
| (FileCreation l lfs, FileCreation r rfs) =>
andb (FileIds.eqb lfs rfs) (N.eqb l r)
| (FileDeletion l lfs, FileDeletion r rfs) =>
andb (FileIds.eqb lfs rfs) (N.eqb l r)
| _ => false
Definition Timeline: Type := list Event.
Definition timestampOf (event: Event) : Exc N :=
match event with
| FileAccess timestamp _ => value timestamp
| FileModification timestamp _ => value timestamp
| FileCreation timestamp _ => value timestamp
| FileDeletion timestamp _ => value timestamp
Definition beforeOrConcurrent (lhs rhs: Event) :=
match (timestampOf lhs, timestampOf rhs) with
| (value lhs_time, value rhs_time) => lhs_time <=? rhs_time
| _ => false
Definition foundOn (event: Event) (disk: Disk) :=
match event with
| FileAccess timestamp fs => exists (file: File),
isOnDisk file disk
/\ fs = file.(fileId)
/\ file.(lastAccess) = value timestamp
| FileModification timestamp fs => exists (file: File),
isOnDisk file disk
/\ fs = file.(fileId)
/\ file.(lastModification) = value timestamp
| FileCreation timestamp fs => exists (file: File),
isOnDisk file disk
/\ fs = file.(fileId)
/\ file.(lastCreated) = value timestamp
| FileDeletion timestamp fs => exists (file: File),
isOnDisk file disk
/\ fs = file.(fileId)
/\ file.(lastDeleted) = value timestamp
Definition foundOn_compute (event: Event) (disk: Disk) (file: File) :=
match event with
| FileAccess timestamp fs =>
isOnDisk_compute file disk
&& FileIds.eqb fs file.(fileId)
&& optN_eqb file.(lastAccess) (value timestamp)
| FileModification timestamp fs =>
isOnDisk_compute file disk
&& FileIds.eqb fs file.(fileId)
&& optN_eqb file.(lastModification) (value timestamp)
| FileCreation timestamp fs =>
isOnDisk_compute file disk
&& FileIds.eqb fs file.(fileId)
&& optN_eqb file.(lastCreated) (value timestamp)
| FileDeletion timestamp fs =>
isOnDisk_compute file disk
&& FileIds.eqb fs file.(fileId)
&& optN_eqb file.(lastDeleted) (value timestamp)
Lemma foundOn_reflection (event: Event) (disk: Disk) (file: File) :
foundOn_compute event disk file = true -> foundOn event disk.
unfold foundOn_compute in H. unfold foundOn.
destruct event.
apply Bool.andb_true_iff in H; destruct H;
apply Bool.andb_true_iff in H; destruct H;
exists file;
[ apply isOnDisk_reflection; auto
| split;
[ apply FileIds.eqb_reflection; auto
| apply optN_eqb_reflection; auto]].
apply Bool.andb_true_iff in H; destruct H;
apply Bool.andb_true_iff in H; destruct H;
exists file;
[ apply isOnDisk_reflection; auto
| split;
[ apply FileIds.eqb_reflection; auto
| apply optN_eqb_reflection; auto]].
apply Bool.andb_true_iff in H; destruct H;
apply Bool.andb_true_iff in H; destruct H;
exists file;
[ apply isOnDisk_reflection; auto
| split;
[ apply FileIds.eqb_reflection; auto
| apply optN_eqb_reflection; auto]].
apply Bool.andb_true_iff in H; destruct H;
apply Bool.andb_true_iff in H; destruct H;
exists file;
[ apply isOnDisk_reflection; auto
| split;
[ apply FileIds.eqb_reflection; auto
| apply optN_eqb_reflection; auto]].
Lemma foundOn_subset:
forall (sub super: Disk) (event: Event),
sub ⊆ super ->
foundOn event sub ->
foundOn event super.
intros sub super event subset.
unfold foundOn.
intros H.
destruct event; repeat (
destruct H as [file H]; exists file;
destruct H; split;
[ apply isOnDisk_subset with (1:=subset); assumption
| assumption]).
Definition isSoundPair (disk: Disk) (eventPair: Event*Event) :=
let (lhsEvent, rhsEvent) := eventPair in
foundOn lhsEvent disk
/\ foundOn rhsEvent disk
/\ beforeOrConcurrent lhsEvent rhsEvent = true.
Definition isSoundPair_compute (disk: Disk)
(pairPair: (Event*Event)*(File*File)) :=
let (eventPair, filePair) := pairPair in
let (lhsEvent, rhsEvent) := eventPair in
let (lhsFile, rhsFile) := filePair in
foundOn_compute lhsEvent disk lhsFile
&& foundOn_compute rhsEvent disk rhsFile
&& beforeOrConcurrent lhsEvent rhsEvent.
Lemma isSoundPair_reflection (disk: Disk)
(eventPair: Event*Event) (filePair: File*File) :
isSoundPair_compute disk (eventPair, filePair) = true ->
isSoundPair disk eventPair.
destruct eventPair as [lhsEvent rhsEvent].
destruct filePair as [lhsFile rhsFile].
unfold isSoundPair_compute in H.
unfold isSoundPair.
apply Bool.andb_true_iff in H. destruct H.
apply Bool.andb_true_iff in H. destruct H.
apply foundOn_reflection with (file := lhsFile). auto.
apply foundOn_reflection with (file := rhsFile). auto.
Lemma isSoundPair_subset:
forall (sub super: Disk) (eventPair: Event*Event),
sub ⊆ super ->
isSoundPair sub eventPair ->
isSoundPair super eventPair.
intros sub super eventPair subset.
destruct eventPair as [lhs rhs].
unfold isSoundPair.
intros H. destruct H. destruct H0.
split. apply foundOn_subset with (1:=subset). assumption.
split. apply foundOn_subset with (1:=subset). assumption.
Definition isSound (timeline: Timeline) (disk: Disk) :=
let staggeredEvents := combine timeline (skipn 1 timeline) in
forall (pair: Event*Event),
In pair staggeredEvents -> isSoundPair disk pair.
Lemma isSound_subset:
forall (sub super: Disk) (timeline: Timeline),
sub ⊆ super ->
isSound timeline sub ->
isSound timeline super.
intros sub super timeline subset.
unfold isSound.
intros H pair Hin.
apply isSoundPair_subset with (1:=subset).
apply H. assumption.
Definition isSound_tmp (timeline: Timeline) (disk: Disk) :=
exists (files: list File),
let staggeredEvents := combine timeline (skipn 1 timeline) in
let staggeredFiles := combine files (skipn 1 files) in
let combined := combine staggeredEvents staggeredFiles in
length staggeredEvents = length staggeredFiles
/\ forall (pairPair: (Event*Event)*(File*File)),
In pairPair combined -> isSoundPair disk (fst pairPair).
Lemma strip_list_l {L R: Type} (lhs:list L) (rhs: list R)
(prop:L->Prop) :
length lhs = length rhs
-> (forall (pair: L*R), In pair (combine lhs rhs) -> prop (fst pair))
-> (forall (l: L), In l lhs -> prop l).
generalize rhs prop. clear rhs prop.
induction lhs.
intros. destruct rhs; [
contradict H1
| simpl in H; discriminate H].
intros. destruct rhs; [
simpl in H; discriminate H
destruct H1.
specialize (H0 (l, r)).
simpl in H0. apply H0. left. subst. reflexivity.
apply IHlhs with (rhs := rhs).
inversion H. reflexivity.
intros pair inn.
assert (In pair (combine (a :: lhs) (r :: rhs))).
apply in_cons. assumption.
apply H0. assumption.
Lemma isSound_tmp_impl (timeline: Timeline) (disk: Disk) :
isSound_tmp timeline disk -> isSound timeline disk.
unfold isSound_tmp in H. destruct H as [files]. destruct H.
unfold isSound.
remember (combine timeline (skipn 1 timeline)) as staggeredEvents.
remember (combine files (skipn 1 files)) as staggeredFiles.
apply strip_list_l with (rhs := staggeredFiles).
assumption. assumption.
Definition isSound_compute (timeline: Timeline) (disk: Disk)
(files: list File) :=
let staggeredEvents := combine timeline (skipn 1 timeline) in
let staggeredFiles := combine files (skipn 1 files) in
let combined := combine staggeredEvents staggeredFiles in
beq_nat (length staggeredEvents) (length staggeredFiles)
&& forallb (isSoundPair_compute disk) combined.
Lemma isSound_reflection (timeline: Timeline) (disk: Disk)
(files: list File) :
isSound_compute timeline disk files = true ->
isSound timeline disk.
intros. apply isSound_tmp_impl. unfold isSound_tmp. exists files.
unfold isSound_compute in H.
apply Bool.andb_true_iff in H. destruct H.
split. apply beq_nat_eq. auto.
rewrite forallb_forall in H0.
intros. apply isSoundPair_reflection with (filePair := snd pairPair).
assert (fst pairPair |-> snd pairPair = pairPair).
destruct pairPair. simpl. reflexivity.
rewrite H2.